Myddle Village Hall

Myddle Village Hall

Download a booking form for the hall in pdf format

The hall is used extensively by local organisations - bingo, table tennis team, the annual village fete, the church, Myddle PTA and the parish council. We also welcome private bookings for events such as children's parties, birthday celebrations, and discos.

The committee also organise various social events in an effort to promote a community spirit within the village. Discos, Christmas fairs, concerts featuring semi-professional and local talent, family games evenings, harvest lunches and the like.

The Parish Council currently supports the hall with an annual grant which we use to subsidise events held by local organisations and to establish a Building Fund - recent building improvements include a new fully fitted commercial kitchen and a new entrance foyer.

For information about booking Myddle Village Hall please contact:-

Mrs Claire Simcox
Telephone: 07931-225830

Download a booking form for the hall in pdf format