Myddle and Broughton Parish Biodiversity Project

Foxgloves on Harmer Hill

A new community group has been set up in the Parish as part of Shropshire Council’s ‘Your Natural Heritage’ project.

The purpose of the ‘Biodiversity Project’ is to help the local community discover the rich range of wildlife habitats to be found in the parish and to enjoy the local animal, bird, fish, insect and plant life.

The Council’s Community Biodiversity Project Officer, Gareth Parry, has provided training sessions and equipment to enable group members to survey these habitats.  Ultimately this information will be mapped onto local and national biodiversity maps, providing valuable data about the County’s biodiversity profile.

If you would like to know more about the group, or to help with mapping or surveying, or to suggest any hidden corners of the parish which you think might be of particular interest, please email us at

Gareth Parry can be contacted at