Local Wildlife
This page is for anyone in the parish interested in local wildlife; birdwatchers, botanists, bug collectors, bat experts, tree huggers...
If you would like to contribute a regular wildlife report, or just a one-off sighting of something interesting do get in touch - margaretm@myddle.net
Useful links
Shropshire Branch of the Botanical Society of the British Isles
Shropshire Ornithological Society
iSpot is a project run by the Open University and funded by the National Lottery. If you need help identifying a wildlife 'find' this is an excellent way of getting it. After registering free, you then upload a photograph of your find with some simple information to the iSpot website. There is usually an expert out there who will very quickly put a name to it for you.
101 Wild Flowers around Myddle
The photographs on these pages were taken by Margaret Markland or Gareth Parry. If you would like to reuse any of them please contact us.